Laura Szafranski, Certified Consulting Hypnotist


  • Believe in the Magic 

  • you have within yourself!

 Laura specializes in helping individuals manage their weight, quit smoking, eliminate fears and speak with confidence in public.


What Clients say:
" I am a believer! I was a heavy smoker and had tried to quit many times. The result was always the same, I became frustrated and angry and everyone nearby suffered with me, but I never quit smoking. After my experience with hypnosis, I thought about that one cigarette but I realized it was just a thought and not an urge. I found that I just didn't care to smoke anymore"...  JPS  



Laura Szafranski, AS, CH

Certified Consulting Hypnotist

Oasis Wellness Partners

433 Scarborough, ME

Office 207 883 5549 ; Text 207 391 1201

First Session 90 minutes includes Consult and Interview. $135

Follow up sessions recommended 60 minutes. $95

Free Consults 15 minutes by phone or in office.